Who is the man with blue turban as Nostradamus states will rule the world ? - nostradamus 500 años despues
In his famous book of prophecies of Nostradamus states: --
1. A man in blue turban (Sikhs) And black, curly beard, while the world against terrorism would be hated (and loved them both equally.)
2. It must come from heaven with all his strength after his feat, as he had done in heaven.
3. There will be a world government.
4. Not known worldwide for over 500 years the world has a great light. ((Thanks to his teaching?) Guru Nanak? Showed that appeared in 1469), and the people happier.
5. It is Thursday, his vacation, (Sikh news? Guru Nanak appeared (or born) was) Thursday.
6. Nostradamus describes the war with the man in blue turban on the ground five to one. (Punjab, India: Land of five rivers.
7. Sun in the east and Saturn in the West during the war, the war, what?
8. To overcome the resistance of the East and West. Who? the same as before?
9. Not long awaited return to Europe (Christ?), But must appear in the east. Just like last year?
Nostradamus 500 Años Despues Who Is The Man With Blue Turban As Nostradamus States Will Rule The World ?
6:48 AM
I agree with you, it could be 99.99% Sikh. I have many prophecies of Nostradamus and Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and Hindus also traveling the literature. They are similar to the Tenth Master Guru Gobind Singh Sikh religion yr.1699 announcement said that "STATE AND NOT ESCAPE opponent Khalsa." But these people are Sikhs is not common, but completely enlightened souls. Many saints of the Sikh religion, which in the past and present, come the time, but only after a period of turmoil in the world. If the country goes against the Sikhs and the secret forces that would appear on this planet to defend the truth, as Nostradamus says that (death) of the last progressive people or souls reappear on earth, in this Third World War to the truth and the will of the GOD.Christ bring, but as a leader in the armed Sikh turban and blue dress codes (as Nihangs armed Sikh Saint-Soldiers)
I agree with you, it could be 99.99% Sikh. I have many prophecies of Nostradamus and Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and Hindus also traveling the literature. They are similar to the Tenth Master Guru Gobind Singh Sikh religion yr.1699 announcement said that "STATE AND NOT ESCAPE opponent Khalsa." But these people are Sikhs is not common, but completely enlightened souls. Many saints of the Sikh religion, which in the past and present, come the time, but only after a period of turmoil in the world. If the country goes against the Sikhs and the secret forces that would appear on this planet to defend the truth, as Nostradamus says that (death) of the last progressive people or souls reappear on earth, in this Third World War to the truth and the will of the GOD.Christ bring, but as a leader in the armed Sikh turban and blue dress codes (as Nihangs armed Sikh Saint-Soldiers)
World government is not possible because the leaders of the mother.
This can be a spiritual warfare rather than a physical war. The forces of evil and hatred of the truth of God's will.
Consult Morya teachings of Theosophy
The latest atempt world government is the control of the power elite. If you really God in purpose and intent, not the united nations.
So ....... Should we believe in Nostradamus, but probably do not believe in the Bible Code ... hellooo? Just because it is more convenient Nostradamus said that his view? ........... Nice try! ;-)
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