Train Groping Chikan Encoxada Am I A Sick Person For Groping?

Am i a sick person for groping? - train groping chikan encoxada

Because I like my brush hand on the backside of women in crowded trains or shopping centers? It is so bad that on the path taken to an apartment and I accidentally brush my hand across the cheeks of the women at random. I'm always on the subway I'm addicted.


jess b said...

Do not be afraid of the bacteria?

Layacare... said...

Sorry, but it is. They are intentionally injure other people. The good news is that it helps and you can ask to take an observation car? Or have a friend who may like to grope them resist (keyword: Willing), or the teeth and steel herself for her habit. If necessary, ask for help if you want, because if anyone notices, they can file charges.

Kassi said...

If you have a girlfriend, well, you need to calm down. This kind of behavior is abuse and rape. Sorry if you are offended, but if you can not control their feelings, thoughts, before having sex is more difficult to control it and befor you know, watching, and much more.

Amy said...

IF YOU uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

LMAFO LOL !!!!!!!! HAHAHAH omg why, why people like that so strange? just made my day! hahahha and the game you're addicted women butt? HAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ...

How would feel if I have already spoken UR and random guys butts?


If you care,
So take a deep breath,
or the next time when you felt the need.
So I think if I do that I'm an idiot and retarded.

to find andddd ur so desperate to ur own sex life!

lol ur sorry, but a man, so it's pointless.


no society is sick, not

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