My cigarette lighter isn't working. The fuse keeps burning out every time i replace the fuse. How do I fix it? - 1996 ford taurus cigarette lighter
I drive a Ford Taurus 1996th I bought still does not solve a cigarette adapter, and the problem.
1996 Ford Taurus Cigarette Lighter My Cigarette Lighter Isn't Working. The Fuse Keeps Burning Out Every Time I Replace The Fuse. How Do I Fix It?
4:33 PM
The socket has something in it, or the heating coil in the outlet is broken anything.
Adapter itself make sense? If the wire is burned in the back look, or was very hard and not flexible? Normally, this is the thread that cooks and goes wrong. He could have cooked properly cast, and played a piece of metal somewhere, and now is short-circuited. So, if you looked burned, cracked, hardened, so you can go back to see if fusepanel melted and shorted somewhere. There is a long cable, so it should be possible. Another thing, if the contact is in the liquid metal fuse box, perhaps to play now. If you have a ohmeters, you can keep the wick, and touch the hot wire with a head tube and bottom with the other, with the uncle to examine the resistance. When a dead short, you have the answer. A ohmeters to help the real you, here you can get cheap at € 4 from China, they are often sufficient to tell the resistance. Good luck!
- The type Gremlin --
Take a look inside and make no money or something that is just in reverse, is a widespread problem, such as lighters typically close in a place suitable for sustaining change like an ashtray.
If you quit smoking, which is the end of your problem.
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