Wild Oats Naples Fl Anybody Know The Recipe For The Cookies At Wild Oats?

Anybody know the recipe for the cookies at Wild Oats? - wild oats naples fl

I have some fabulous cookies "Wild Oats". I do not know exactly what they were called, but something that "all" or something like that. They have a lot of different things in them such as coconut, grape, blueberry, chocolate, etc., etc., etc. There is also a very similar pattern that has similar things, but seems to have some oatmeal too. This one is very good too!

Who knows how to do this? They are very heavy, but moist cookie - just wonderful.

That does not bother me to buy all the time, it's just that I like 150 miles of wild oats live closest to, it is not very useful to regularly buy.

If you could me the recipe (s) I love it! Thank you.


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